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How To Care For Stainless Steel Chafer?

How To Care For Stainless Steel Chafer?

Chafer is mostly made in stainless steel. This is due to stainless steel’s durability and ease of maintenance.  This explains why stainless steel chafer set / stainless steel chafer dish can be easily found in caterers and hotel buffets.  Although stainless steel chafer requires minimal maintenance, this does not mean no care is required.


How To Care?
1) Be sure your chafer has water in the water pan at all times
water in water pan at all times

The working mechanism of the chafer is to transfer heat from the chafer burner to water in the water pan (For an electric chafer, it connects with an electrical outlet instead of a flame to heat the water in the chafer pan.). This will in turn warm the food in the food pan. If there is no water, the pan and food will be burnt.

However, there is an innovative chafer –Waterless Chafer that can heat the food pan directly without water. It saves manpower when monitoring the chafer operation. It is much safer than a traditional chafer.


2) Stirring Food Regularly

This is to prevent food from sticking to the bottom of the food pan which may ruin the food with a burnt taste. Besides, this also helps to distribute the heat evenly.


3) Cleaning Chafer After Use

Clean chafer including food pan, frame, legs, and lid after use.


For Food Pan:

Since the food pan holds food, it should focus on cleaning.


1. Immense food pan in warm water with mild detergent.


2. Use a soft cloth to remove the grease and food crust stuck on the food pan gently.
(Never too hard otherwise the food pan surface would be damaged.).


3. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry it with a cloth.


For Frame Without Electric Outlet, Legs and Lid:

You can clean them like food pans.


For Frame with Electric Outlet:

Use a wet and soft cloth to remove the grease and food crust stuck on the frame.


Lastly, Keep all components dry when not in use. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT…


Good care of stainless steel chafer is the key to keeping its functionality and appearance. In no doubt, the buffet dining experience would be ruined if the chafer cannot keep hot food at an optimal temperature or if it is covered by grease and food crust.


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